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Running a campaign on a strict budget means that I welcome help in any way other than financial. The very best help starts with believing in what I'm doing. If you are bothered by the money in politics and want to show your support in this campaign then spread the word. Tell people, give them the website, add me on social media, interact with the posts. Like, follow and share will help tremendously. This campaign will be fueled by word of mouth and it starts with you.


Next if you are so moved, reach out to me (YES ME, the actual person, not a handler, or spokesperson or worker). There are a host of ways to help this campaign reach people int he 56th district. Even on a tight budget I have literature I can deliver, signs, decals, etc. Even better, maybe YOU have ideas for me, both for the campaign and for the office. Lets work together!


Tell us how you’d like to get involved, a member of our team will get in touch soon

Thanks for submitting!

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