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Let's Hold Government Accountable to the People

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Donation Free Campaign

What is the #Nofundraise Challenge


     You have all heard the headlines made by politicians and candidates bragging about the size of their war chest. When campaign finance disclosure deadlines hit, the media is quick to look them up and rank where everyone sits based upon the money they have raised. For some races it's in the millions that they raise and spend during the short campaign cycle. In a race like this one, for State Representative, a candidate could obtain donations over $100,000, and easily go through that money in months.  Keep in mind the job itself pays $71,685 a year, for a two year term.  

     When contemplating this run, I really put that into perspective. At this time in our nation, inflation is wreaking havoc on us all. High costs, and the devalued US dollar have altered our lifestyles. Gas, food, building materials, taxes and more are all much higher than a few short years ago. Knowing that, it seems completely disrespectful to the citizens of the 56th District to use my campaign to gather up as much money as I can, only to spend it as fast as I could. Especially, when the voters I seek to persuade must work harder than ever and watch every dollar they spend carefully. This district is my home, I don't have to travel like they do in a Statewide election.  There's no need to employ a staff or run tv ads to reach out and talk to my friends, neighbors and local businesses. 

   We must demand a government that is accountable for how they spend our hard earned tax funds. Which means we must elect people who exemplify responsibility with money. Anyone can frivolously blow through campaign contributions as they pour in, but to run a campaign on a small fixed budget will demonstrate the kind of discipline we need in office. Many voters live on fixed incomes and strict budgets. Why is it so hard for governments to operate within their means as well?

     Finally, politics can be divisive, we should all strive to seek common ground. One issue that everyone agree on, no matter which side they lean, is too much money in politics. It angers us all to think that we may be electing politicians who serve the highest bidder. However, the argument is made that all politicians take money from lobby groups, and special interest so we have no other options. What if we as voters demanded better? We don't have to overturn Citizens United to get the money out of politics, we just need to support candidates who stand against the massive campaign funds that pour in, not from the average Joe American, but from influence groups with deep pockets and self serving agendas.


     SO WHAT IS THE #NOFUNDRAISE Challenge? I have the notion that if you want things to be different, then you must start with yourself. I don't want to follow the path of nonstop fundraisers to amass a campaign war chest to then blow on consultants, managers, inter party donations, polling, mass mailings and paying for bigger fundraising events. More so, I don't want to take money from groups to which I will then owe political favors. Frankly, given the high cost of living right now, I don't even want to take money from the voters. I feel like money is tight for so many, we all have better things to spend our money on than politics. Further, I want to make a statement by showing my campaign, in this 56th district, can be ran well on a strict budget. Exhibiting the same care and detail over spending I want to see our leaders use when dealing with OUR money.

     With that said, I am capping my campaign at $1000. my investment alone, no fundraisers, no donations. As such, I am challenging my opponent in the 56th District to do the same. We can let the voters decide this election based upon the issues and character of the candidates. I know she has raised considerable campaign funds already, to accept the challenge, she must divest these funds to a charity and cease all fundraising. We can prepare and sign contracts that would hold us both to the $1000 limit. We can take the money that would otherwise be squandered in this race and put to much better use in the community if given to a charitable purpose.


Will State Representative Sharon MacDonell take the #NoFundraise Challenge and donate ALL of her campaign funds to charity immediately and cease all fundraising? Only she can answer that.​





People say, "Politicians should wear sponsor patches like NASCAR drivers, so we know who Bought them."
As a Wolverine,
I enthusiastically say,


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